Performance Animation:Week 2

This week I found a good model of a swivel chair on Sketchfab and remade the binding in Maya. In order to facilitate the animation, I made separate controllers for the upper, middle, and lower chairs. Each wheel can also be rotated independently and there is a master controller to ensure the same direction of the wheels.

In addition, I also learned how to bind the wheel so that it can rotate itself according to displacement. Here you need to use keyframe expressions.

Because the formula for the circumference of a circle is C=πR, if the distance the chair moves is S and the angle of the wheel is x, the formula can be obtained:

x=(S/πR)*360. From this, we can know the degree of wheel rotation. Considering that the chair will move in the x-axis and z-axis directions, add the following expression to the x-axis rotation of the wheel:

(Use negative values ​​to control the direction of wheel rotation)

I also made simple props, such as tables and walls, based on the Reference I shot.

And I made the blocking animation. According to the changes in the constraints, I divided the whole animation into two parts.

These are my blocking animations:

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