Performance Animation:Week 4

I made polish animation this week, this is my playblast:

The most important part of this part is to make the broken windows at the end. I referred to this tutorial on youtube.

Using Maya’s own plug-in called bullet,I can quickly create the effect of objects being crushed.

First I copied the window glass model, and in FX->Effects->Shatter, I can divided the glass model into multiple pieces. This part is automatically calculated and generated.

Then I added collision components to the ground, wall, and some props in the scene. the glass fragment model is added the rigid body component so that the glass can be affected by gravity and collide with the surrounding environment.

Considering the complexity of the character model, I created a sphere to simulate the character’s body. Add a rigid body component to the sphere and give it an initial velocity. Adjust the number of the simulation start frames to ensure that the sphere and the character reach the window at the same time.

During this process, I encountered many problems, such as collisions between objects but still through the model, the mass and initial velocity of the rigid body could not achieve the effect of impact, the position of the collision body was wrong, and so on. Of course, the most serious problem is that when I complete the simulation, the rendering sequence pictures are inconsistent with the picture I see in the viewport. In the end, I had no way to render only part by part, which took me a lot of time.

After reading some information, I think if I need to make a broken effect next time, I should try Houdini or other plugins.

This is my final animation:

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