VFX vs Film vs Game Animation

VFX animation: It is mostly used in live-action movies, and the goal is mostly to achieve as real effects as possible, such as some natural disasters. In addition, when making non-realistic creatures, such as superman or monsters, the reality should be the goal to convince the audience. There are also applications of VFX in games, but that is a different production idea. In addition to proper style and dynamics, the performance also needs to be considered.

Film animation: Some purely animated films of Disney or Pixar may have real light and shadow and hair, but the characters and scenes are more stylized, and the performance animation is more dynamic.

game animation: In the game, there are many animations that are reused, most of which are looped animations, and the continuity between actions is more important, and it is necessary to provide timely and clear feedback to the player’s operations. This makes the game animation may not have so much stylized performance.

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