Fighting Sequence Previs: Week 05

This week I mainly made the bind and skin of the girl model, which are mainly divided into body rigging, face rigging, and cloth rigging.

Regarding the body rigging, I have several important functions to record:

Mirror skin weight: When modifying the weight of a symmetrical model, you only need to modify one side and copy it through this function, which is very fast.

Hammer skin weight:In the process of modifying the weight, especially the joint part, the problem of incorrect weight is often encountered. At this time, this function can easily modify the weight of the selected part to make the movement inside the joint look more reasonable.

Smooth skin weight: This smoothing function is better for smooth operability than directly using a brush, and is more suitable for handling deformations outside the joints.

Copy skin weight: Because the model has many equipment attached to the body, especially the legs, it will be troublesome to apply the weight separately, so this function can easily copy the weight of the internal body to the body equipment.

Face Rigging:

AdvSkeleton5 provides a very convenient process for facial binding. What needs attention here is the location of each part. Because the wiring of the face of this model is very good, it saves a lot of time for face rigging.

Another problem is that the face of this model has some accessories, so the weight of the face needs to be redrawn.

Cloth Rigging:

Because the clothes are bound to the body, the clothes move with the body. At this time, if you want to control the clothes individually, in addition to creating a new control bone separately, you also need to use the add influence function.

Polygon Smoothness

Specify the matching accuracy of the smooth skin point and the given polygon to affect the object. The larger the value, the more rounded the deformation effect. Set a value between 0.0 and 50.0. The default value is 0.0.

NURBS Samples

Specifies the number of samples used to evaluate the graphical influence of the NURBS influence object. The larger the number of samples, the closer the smooth skinning is to the shape of the affected object. Set a value between 1 and 100. The default value is 10.

Weight Locking

Specify that you want to avoid indirect changes to the weights of the affected objects, which is usually caused by weight normalization during weight drawing and editing (see Locking smooth skin weights). Maya keeps the weight as “Default Weight”. The default is off.

Default Weight

Specify the default holding weight when Weight Holding is on. The default value is 0.000.

Direct binding will cause this problem:

After binding, I noticed an unexpected effect. During the weight drawing process, the model produced an effect that seemed to have abdominal muscles when bending over. A surprise hahaha.

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