Fighting Sequence Previs: Week 06

This week Jay and Layne finished the storyboarding part, and they gave me a storyboard to make the layout.

Considering the time, I decided to allocate the clips made by everyone in the process of making the layout. I imported the simple bound model into the scene and created six scene files, corresponding to six 3D computer animation students in our group.

It took a long time to make, but I also learned a lot about the attributes of Maya cameras. The one I use the most is Focal Length. It can also be used in the Attribute Editor of the camera. The focal length of the camera. Increasing the Focal Length can zoom in on the camera lens and enlarge the size of the object in the camera view. Decrease the Focal Length to zoom out the camera lens and reduce the size of the object in the camera view.

In addition, there are Near Clip Plane and Far Clip Plane. This property can control the camera’s cropping range. It should be noted that if the distance between the near clipping plane and the far clipping plane is much larger than the distance required to include all objects in the scene, the image quality of some objects may be poor.

This is my final Layout video:

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