Solo Project:week4

Animation Design:

I originally wanted to make an animation similar to Highlight Intros in Overwatch, and I mainly referred to this video:

But later with research, especially when I saw the analysis of Overwatch animation in this video,

I think that if you want to make a good animation, you should first start with the design of Pose. In the process of designing the character pose, there is a consideration of the character expression and background story of a character. Why does she make such actions and expressions like this? What state and so on.

In the end, I decided to start with designing the victory pose of the character.

Looking back at the character I made, and recalling my design ideas at the time, I wrote a simple character bio for this character:

She is a child of an engineer. She has been interested in mechanical engineering since she was a child, and she is very good at learning. In her spare time, she is an excellent roller skater. But in an accident, she lost her parents and her legs. She was adopted by her parents and colleagues to create a pair of mechanical legs and four powerful mechanical arms for herself. After experiencing many hardships, she still maintains an optimistic attitude. To save more people like herself, she joined an international organization to carry out a lot of rescue work.

After sorting out my thoughts, I think her pose should highlight her mechanical arms and mechanical legs, which are indispensable equipment in her rescue work. Her expression should be an optimistic and confident smile, making people in difficulties feel a positive smile. So this is the victory pose I designed after thinking about it.

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