Collaborative Project: Week6

This week we mainly conducted asset adjustments and project merging with Karl. We made scenes and characters separately. Now we need to merge each other’s projects into our own computer. At first, we wanted to use the Multi-Users Editing function in UE, but after some attempts to research, I found that this requires the creation of a local area network.

Finally, we choosed the most common way, upload and download in Onedrive.

(Karl’s project has 50G!! I should change my computer*2)

The collaborative plan we finally decided on is like this. Karl migrated the completed scene project in his project to me, I made the shots and animations on my computer and then exported the shots and animations to Karl, and then the final rendering will be made on his computer.

This is the merged project in my computer.

During the production process, Karl and I noticed that the accuracy of our model was still insufficient, and some close-up shots still had problems with piercing or unrealism. After discussion, we decided to stop making new shots. The clothes model of our character and some texture materials need to be iteratively optimized. I did not modify the model but first tried to make a separate shot with the Nclloth cloth simulation in Maya.

In this shot, I modified the animation and camera animation and added simulation effects.

This is the before and after effect comparison:

In the simulation in Maya, I simply set the properties and did not adjust too much, because the main thing is to test the feasibility.

This is the effect simulated in Maya, and the wind force is also added in Maya.

Here I use alembic cache, which can export all formats! !

After verifying the possibility of this effect, I think we will use this method to improve the accuracy in the future. After all, this is a movie at the end and does not require real-time simulation. The effect of solving in advance will be better.

In short, after such a long time of hard work and learning a lot of new knowledge, we get an animation that is close to one minute. Thanks, Sean and Karl! !

This is the video:

BTW, we mainly discuss in the dc group, here are some screenshots of the discussion:

And This is my term3 showreel:

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