FMP 7: Rigging Part1

When I was making the model material earlier, there was a step in the middle to modify the model that I forgot to explain.

Because I wanted to make sure that the lighting on the face was as smooth as the 2D animation and did not create strange shadows, here I manually adjusted the normals of the model’s face so that it tended to be spherical overall. This way there are no strange shadows in the eyes or mouth.

Original Normal
Modified Face

I am still using adv skeleton5 for this character binding and intend to use his features in more depth. It is better to save time in drawing weights.

First I chose only the body for the positioning of the bones. Here I have kept the model of the shoe to refer to the size of the foot, as I will later remove the internal model and only keep the parts that can be seen.

I then created the controller to skin the character.

This time I used the Deform function in advSkeleton5 to create the SkinCage, by resizing and positioning the SkinCage to match the model as closely as possible and then using CopyWeights to set the weights correctly.

The other objects on the body can then be bound together by copying the skin weight. It doesn’t matter if the weights are inaccurate here, as cloth simulation will be done later on for the jacket and shorts.

Next, it’s time to do the faced Rigging. I have already done this in a previous term, the only thing I need to be aware of is that the game engine is checked when binding because it will be imported into UE4 later.

This completes a basic binding. Afterwards, some special objects have to be bound individually.

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