FMP 9: Rigging Part3

This week I rigged the car in UE4 and used Control-Rig. Control Rig is a plug-in for creating controllers in UE4. In the traditional process, only the completed animation can be imported into the engine. If you want to modify the animation, you need to re-import the engine after making it in Maya. If you use Control-Rig, you first need to import the skinned car into the engine, and then use Control Rig to create a controller, so that you can make animations in UE with Sequencer.

First create a controller like in Maya, corresponding to the overall movement and the direction of the front wheel rotation.

The control system creates a blueprint similar to that in UE4.

It should be noted that the order of control, the order of XYZ will lead to different results.

This is the final result of car rigging:

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