FMP 13:Composite

This week I imported all the resources into UE4 and created a project to synthesize all the elements.

For animation resources, I use Abc files to import the effects of cloth simulation into UE4.

In addition, I also obtained a special effects resource pack on the Unreal Mall to achieve some cartoon effects.

Then I used Sequencer in UE4 to make the camera animation and added various elements to the appropriate positions.

When rendering and exporting, I tried MovieRenderQueue in UE4. Compared with direct export using Sequencer, MovieRenderQueue can sample multiple times in each frame to obtain better dynamic blur and smooth lines. Real-time rendering is super fast, I have more than 1,400 frames in total, and the rendering is completed in about an hour.

Finally, I imported the rendered picture sequence into Pr and used Adobe Au’s free sound effect material library. I also purchased some sound effects on the Internet and edited and synthesized them in Pr. The title of the film is the last to think about. In fact, I think the story is very unclear, but it has been post-production and I can’t modify it. In short, I am satisfied with the visual effects.

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